Friday, November 09, 2007

Fiction Friday- November 9, 2007

[Fiction] Friday Challenge for November, 9 2007:
Your character met their love in a unique way. How?

Normally, the first time you go on a date you have your game face on. You are on your best behavior. You show yourself in the best possible light. You don't talk about politics and change the subject when religion is mentioned. In that first meeting, it is all about the niceties and physical attraction. There will be time later to determine if you two are a fit.

In light of this, it was truly surprising how things developed with your beloved. The first thing he did when you met in person was ask you about your native island. Tricky territory (pun intended), discussing Puerto Rican politics with a gringo, especially one that says the solution was making the island the 51st state. Why were you not in his face when he said that, Mrs. Independence, Mrs. It's a country not a state, goddammit? Why did you rationally present your point and try to understand his view, instead of blowing him off? Was it his smile when he was talking?

As if that wasn't enough, the two of you wound up telling each other the worst possible things to talk about on a first date. Abortions, suicide attempts, financial ruin. And instead of being grossed out, or put off by all the tragedy and the mess, you felt right at home. You had found the one person who would not judge you or find you weird. There was no need for masks, for elaborate dances of mating. It was instant recognition.

At the end of the night, you made out in the car, and then each one drove to your respective homes, as the next day was a workday. And you have been together ever since, putting the worst of the dysfunction behind you, and building a future together.


  1. This brings a warm smile of recognition to my face. Thank you!

  2. now you just print this up and stick it on your fridge and the next time you are feeling like shit.. you read it and remember how lucky you are.....

    beautiful piece....

  3. I wish all FIRST dates you could just be yourself. Its such a nightmare putting on that 'game face'.

  4. I loved this story, such a raw real snapshot of your life....I'm assuming that it's you.

  5. hey, it's fiction friday, not memoir friday! Not that I'm complaining, I love this glimpse of what I assume is your past. Thank you for sharing!

  6. very nice. I wish all dates could be like that!

  7. This really is the ideal love story, one that started from a place of acceptance and being real. Playing dating games, way too much energy required with so little payoff. The "rules" don't work for everyone. This is a wonderful story, sounds like it worked out just right!

  8. that is a good story.... an instant "hit"....

  9. I wholly agree. We put too much emphasis to be on our best behaviour on the date game.

    Almost unreal..
