Friday, January 12, 2024

The year of Our Lord, 2024

 I'm dusting the digital cobwebs away. Yes, I'm still here, bitches!

[Insert chirping of crickets here]

Blogging still exists, I'm not naive enough to believe it's completely gone. It's just not what it was back in the early 2000's. And that's OK.

I'm a fifty-something, not-quite-yet divorced, tired af but still plugging along at a corporate career because I have a college-aged/gap-year taking child, woman. I had to take a deep breath after writing that.

Since I last wrote I have been on a spiritual quest of sorts. It began in the pandemic years, a little over a year after my mom died from Alzheimer's. For most of the time this quest was a solitary pursuit, consisting of reading books and Tarot cards, with the ocassional study group Zoom meeting. It wasn't just the pandemic-related isolation. I was not ready to come out of the closet as a spiritual seeker.

In early 2023 I ventured out and attended a local shamanic event I found via the meetup app. I met nice people and learned that there's a Spiritualist church in Houston, where the shamanic meetings are hosted. I also had some interesting sensory perceptions that night of the sort that people would call supernatural.

This event was the catalyst that made spirituality something communal for me, something lived as opposed to read. It hasn't been quite a year yet and I have such a long road ahead, but the way I live my life and what I conceive as spirituality has changed in ways that are deep yet not readily apparent. For that I am eternally grateful.

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