Saturday, September 29, 2007


I was browsing through iTunes yesterday, and decided to check their recommendations based on my purchase history (they do the same thing as Amazon). Among the artists they were pushing was the group Chambao, from Spain. They have been around for a few years, but like Orishas before them, I had never heard of them.

I love their sound, it's flamenco music for the digital age. The song above is called "Pokito a poko" (poquito a poco or little by little). Something in the lyrics grabbed me when I listened to it:

pokito a poko entendiendo
que no vale la pena andar por andar
que es mejo camina pa ir creciendo

Translated loosely and with no mind for the rhyme as:

little by little understanding
that it's not worth it to walk just to be on the go
that it's better to walk as a way to grow


  1. When my neighbor, Orna, died last Spring, she had flamenco dancers at her funeral. It was MAGNIFICENT.

  2. ¿Has escuchado la que hizo La Mari del grupo Chambao con Ricky Martin? Le quedó fantástica. Se titula Tu Recuerdo y tiene una mezcla excepcional de ritmos. Cuando puedas, búscala.



  3. Gracias, Enid. Después que leí tu comentario fui a iTunes y encontré la versión "unplugged" de Tu Recuerdo. La estoy escuchando ahora.
