Thursday, October 04, 2007

Capturing my thoughts

Well, I did it. Following the advice of various of my commenters, I finally broke down and bought myself a voice recorder so I can record all the ideas that come into my head while I am in the car or otherwise unable to write them down.

It's a digital voice recorder (no tape, yay!) with more minutes available than I will ever need. It can be connected to the computer using a USB cable, which means I can transfer my recordings to my hard drive. It's easy to use and pretty cool. I have used it a couple of times this morning. I am glad I did, as I have already forgotten most of the thoughts and ideas I recorded, and those I still remember seem to be inside my head because I expressed them in words earlier.

Now I have no excuses. I can't complain that I come up with great ideas only to forget them because I have nowhere to write them down.

In other attempted writing news, I just signed up for this year's NaNoWriMo challenge. I am a little hesitant in doing so, as last year I joined and was not able to finish. But I got nothing to lose really, and I feel it's better to try and fail than to not even try.


  1. That sounds awesome. I used to have a voice recorder, too. I really ought to think about using that again. Great idea :o)

  2. what a great idea. I so need to do something about my memory. I hate it when I have good ideas...then lose them.

  3. That's a great idea... I should get one...

  4. Good luck with Nano. I did that last year it was great fun. I just dont have it in me this year.

    I too carry a recorder in my purse for when I cant write what I am thinking down, people must think I am nuts, but at least now I am not alone!
