Friday, October 26, 2007

Show Josie some love, please

I am so behind on my blog reading that I had completely missed the recent happenings in Josie's life, specifically regarding her daughter. Josie and her daughter are going through a tough time the last few days. I want to dedicate this post to them and ask you to pay Josie a visit and show her some love, if you have not done so already.


  1. Aww, what a Sweetie, arriving here as I'm heading off to bed, feeling like I've been run over by a truck this week, this post just warmed my heart and made me feel so much better! Now, do you have anything for sneezes? :-) Love you Ingrid, I appreciate your caring immensely. Over and above it all, I have hope that some how everthing will work out. Without hope, what would life be? Had to laugh at the Sunday Scribblings prompt of "hospitals" though, don't think I wanna even go there!!

  2. yes we have been following the events in Josie'S life recently. IT's been hard..and a lot of bloggers are going through a bad spell... it's very disheartening..but all we can do is try and boost each other's spirits thru blogland.
