Tuesday, August 07, 2007

We're home!!! Also, my earliest memories

We got home around 7:00 PM and we're exhausted. It was a loooong drive. I drove all the way back. I love driving, but it was a bit too much. Still, I get restless when I am in the passenger seat.

The girls are spending the night at my in-laws. They want to see the girls and they have a surprise for them, a kitten. That will give Gabe and I a chance to regroup after the holiday. Right now we are bickering a little because we are both so tired. Tomorrow the four of us will spend the day home recovering from the vacation. Thursday both Gabe and I go back to work and Isabel goes to daycare. Paula will come with me to the office.

In other topics, Josie issued a writer's challenge to her fellow bloggers. Between August 4th and the 11th, those who want to participate should write a post about our earliest memories. So here I go.

I have a few memories. Two of them are related to the crib and are from when I was between 2 and 3 years of age. I remember being in my crib, holding the bars and yelling "que me bajen" (get me down!) at the top of my lungs. I also remember the time I fell and got a bump on my forehead. Of course, it is entirely possible that I remember these things because my mother has reminisced about them many times.

The other memory is of a dream I had when I was still living in the duplex at Villa Fontana, so I must have been younger than four years old. I dreamt I was floating up the sky. In a cloud up high there was a presence and even though I could not really see him, I knew it was Jesus and he loved me and was waiting for me. I woke up from that dream with such happiness. And it's funny, because I do not know how I came to dream about ascending. My parents were not religious.

The following people have so far responded to Josie's challenge:

Wolfie at Gazing Into The Abyss
Soul at Soul Survivor
Pen at The Pen Is Mightier...
Loz at Sunrays and Saturdays
Josie at Picking Up Pieces
Frank at Ranting Monkey: LastStand


  1. Awesome, Ingrid! I was delighted that you took up the challenge, and your memories were wonderful! I have a memory of once being in a store shopping with my mom and sisters and being very weary... impatiently stomping my feet and screaming "I want a clerk"! I'm sure my mother was mortified! :-)

    It is oft said that small children have spiritual awarenesses and connections that we forget as we get older. Since you had no point of reference for your memory, I think it is beautiful, and very special - you felt something many of us would love to feel!

    Thanks much for linking the other stories from this circle, I will add yours to the list. Anyone out there who is reading is welcome to share your memories, it is fun to compare!

  2. hello ingrid..i saw you came to my blog. interesting memories. i love the one about your "dream". i am amzed about things like that happening. a lot of people don't believe that it is real...but i do think things like that happen. especially, like Josie said...in the younger kids. before we get all brainwashed and negative about stuff like that.
    nice to meet you.
    i'll be reading more on here soon.
