Wednesday, August 22, 2007

When it's hard to put it into words, music always steps in

If you want to know how I am feeling lately, listen to the song on the link below. It's not so much the lyrics (although parts of it definitely apply) as much as the haunting melody and the cadence of the singing.

I feel pretty rotten, actually. Also guilty. Compared to the people that just went through the horrifying experience of Dean, what the hell do I have to feel blue about? My world has not fallen apart around me. It feels that way, but I have to remind me it's not real. I am far from complete chaos.


  1. All pain is relative, Ingrid. In your world you are struggling and suffering at times, as am I. But yes, when we look at the big picture and what folks other places are going thru, with their lives turned upside down, it does help us to count the blessings that we have.

  2. The fact that others are suffering doesn't negate your melancholy (that's what I got from your song choice). And, sometimes it's good to feel that way-it reminds us we're human.
