Sunday, July 29, 2007

Reluctant housework Sunday

As the title indicates, housework is not really my thing. I can just imagine both my ex and my husband reading that comment and saying "Gee, ya think??!!" To say Ingrid hates housework is like saying Puerto Rico is an island, or the sky is blue.

But this weekend I have embarked in one of my frenzied housecleaning episodes. I did several loads of laundry yesterday and finished clearing toys from the floor of Paula's new bedroom. Today I will vacuum the room and it will be finished and waiting for Paula to return. Isabel's new room will still be messy. I will deal with that one with more time.

I am still doing laundry and I have a mountain of clothes to fold and put away. This is sometimes hard, as we have too much stuff and not enough storage. I have to set aside some clothes/towels/bedsheets to give away.


  1. I hope you have a good Sunday. I know what you mean about cleaning. I am right there with ya. Ugh!

  2. Housework is definitely not my thing either, Ingrid, though I love living in a clean, tidy house! My fantasy would be to afford a good maid service, one that also cooks my dinner. :-) I too am busy cleaning up this weekend, and it feels better already, though I know it won't last long, and I would much rather be sitting here playing.
